Hey beauty,
Happy new month! It’s safe to say this year has been moving fast and sometimes I wonder what it would have looked like if I was done with school already, but oh well!
Welcome back here! If it’s your first time reading my blog- I do a monthly recap of some of my favorite things aka monthly favorites. The goal is to enjoy things that seem ordinary, but sparked joy or made me enjoy the moments and I hope they inspire you too.
I’ll be recapping September in the following ways:

My favorite memory
Picking a favorite memory wasn’t easy because I had more than one good moment last month. Some of them were:
- Getting to do my makeup after I was sick for a few days. It felt therapeutic in a way. That day was also sweet because I finally wore my contacts in less than a minute. I use a prescribed pair for the days I don’t want to wear my glasses. Putting them on myself was always such a chore. It just made me relish how far I’ve come with wearing them myself now.
I shared a GRWM with the makeup look on IG here.
- Getting a notification from WordPress on the blog reaching 10,000 views! Focusing on numbers is not ideal but if I’m being honest, you need the numbers as proof that something is going well (or not) and that felt rewarding for me!

- Visiting my friends- I’m part of a group of family friends who attended the same secondary school and we try to stay in touch, especially during the holidays. My friend organized a meetup and I’m glad I didn’t chicken out. That day was beautiful because we were 3 pairs of sisters and bonded over food and lots of talking.
That is not to say September didn’t suck at some point, but I'm getting used to how life can't always be filled with perfect moments.
My biggest challenge
I would say living what I “preached” every day in terms of trusting God in my current season. Last month caught me knee-deep in exhaustion and just wondering when this phase would be over. Earlier this week, I shared something with my newsletter community on waiting.
Sunday was a mess for me and just reminded me of why I did not like being stuck by this whole strike situation. By that same night, I read a mail about waiting.
On Monday I wrote about learning while waiting.
On Tuesday I got another mail about waiting. It was as if God in His providence was reassuring my heart with words of encouragement. My biggest challenge in September (and actually this whole year) has been staying still, but I keep on learning.

I am so proud of myself for…
The blog’s growth! Lately, I have been giving my time and attention to my little baby.
I’m also proud of myself for showing up even when I didn’t feel like it. This is my building season and I’m not ashamed of that! Knowing I have people that care about the things I share here, pushes me to show up even when compensation is taking its precious time.
Speaking of showing up, I have created monthly minimalist and inspirational wallpapers since January, plus a digital book that my mailing list gets.

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I favorited some of the messages, DMs, and emails from people last month. Those made me thankful for how far I’ve come and also for the community I have. You make it worth it, no cap!
PS: If you love words of affirmation as I do, try keeping a praise file. It’s just a collection of messages and encouragement that you can look back at on days you feel overwhelmed. You can also do this for a friend or partner as a gift.
What do I need to let go from September?
I think it would be second-guessing myself when reaching out to brands I want to work with. This month, I intend to just do so anyways. The worst that would happen is getting no or no response. But the best could be getting them- who knows?
What do I want to really happen this month?
I want to create more content and take pictures. I hate that my phone’s storage limits me in terms of the quantity of content I can create at once. Please pray for my camera dream to come true, okay?
Also, I really want to see more of my friends! It’s been so long and I miss wholesome conversations, games, and food.
Favorite Media (TV show, Movie, Book, Song, or Podcast)
My favorite movie last month was Labour Day. It was an unconventional story of a convict, depressed single mother, and her teenage son, that makes you want to be gracious to people no matter their background and I enjoyed it!

This is a new quarter and in the digital space, there’s a lot of motivation to get things done, finish the year well, etc. My friend, life is more nuanced than that and your growth shouldn’t be tied to pressure or metrics.
I pray that you have a good quarter filled with joy, peace, growth, and trust in God.
What was last month like for you? Do you have any plans for the new month or taking it one day at a time?
Share with me in the comments!
If you enjoyed this post, check out my previous monthly favorites for recommendations and things that sparked joy: