Hey, beauty!
It’s been a while since we’ve had any personal diary posts and while attending this content creator meet-up, I made up my mind to enjoy the moments and share them with you too.
A few weeks ago, Doreen, a Faith, and Lifestyle content creator and YouTuber spoke about wanting to host a meet-up where content creators could meet physically.
Prior to that, after my hiatus from Instagram, I had been praying about meeting more content creators.
Here’s the thing with creating content online. The internet is a funny place and it’s easy to look over boundaries or think you’re friends with people when honestly you only know what they show. Yet again, the internet has potential for good and I have been a first-hand witness to this.
Take for instance the skincare community. I describe it as the gift that keeps giving. People who I have never met in my entire life literally support my work because we bond over the mutual struggle for creating and skincare.

Back to this event! When Doreen shared her idea of hosting this female-only meet-up on her Instagram stories, I whispered a thank you to God because it was one prayer I didn’t even know how it would be answered.
Thankfully 17th of December,2022 came, and the first edition of Created to Create, an initiative of The Purposeful Creatrs Collective happened!
Here are some of the highlights from the day:
The Venue
The event was held at Eridan space, The Philippi Centre, Ikeja Lagos. I loved the space that was used and the backdrop design! On the chairs, we had a card and snacks which I found really thoughtful of the planning committee!

When we started
The event started late due to us waiting for some of the speakers. Lagos traffic in December isn’t even funny. We started almost two hours later than the assigned time, but I wasn’t mad because I had looked forward to the day. The snacks came in handy during the waiting period too!
Once most of the speakers had arrived, we started with an opening prayer. I was in a room with women who create content and have a reverence for God. Sign me up!
After that, we had 2 pretty MCs who alternated. There was also the ice breaker session where we played the popular 2 truths and a lie. Mine were:
“I’m the first kid,
I love Indomie noodles and,
I love skincare”.
What do you think the lie is? Share with me in the comments!

1st session by Ifeoma Nwobu
The second highlight of this content creator event was by Ifeoma Nwobu, a 23-year-old former model who is currently the co-founder of Sendstack. Africa, a logistics company. She talked about transforming your mindset to unlock room for exponential growth.
Asides from her charisma and fashion sense, she held me captivated by her points. The best part for me was the funnel analogy. This simply means we actually envision before we “do”. She also talked about how we belittle ourselves and the dreams we have forgetting that God who has given them is more than able to help.
After her session and questions, there was a giveaway where the lucky winner won a set of press-on nails from Yodowv.
2nd Session by independent Bella and dodo
After the first session, we had the host, Doreen, and Isabella a top-notch fashion blogger and YouTuber come up to give their experience in content creation. Seeing Bella in real time was awesome! She’s one of those Nigerian creatives whose consistency shows and I love it!
They talked about how their Christian faith determines their worldview even down to the type of deals they take and the integrity of their content. This summed up their panel discussion which was titled “Creating excellently without compromise”.
My favorite parts were Dodo talking about taking a break from IG and coming back with a renewed perspective, as well as Bella talking about how she used maximized her old phone because she started with what she had.
After this, we went behind to get our finger foods and drinks before the next session began. There was also a moment when we had to introduce ourselves to the other ladies in the room and network. We got some information about ourselves and our social handles to keep up with each other.

HELPFUL POST: 10 Exciting Things Being A Content Creator Has Taught Me
3rd Session by Laura Kanayo, Ijeoma Deborah, and Temi Adebayo
The final session was titled “Jesus, Art, and Business”. It was for business owners and there were tons of questions. In all fairness, as a content creator, I believe you’re a business owner. You are either selling your services or products.
Laura Kanayo is a minimalist makeup artist with one of the best skin-like finishes. Ijeoma Deborah has two businesses- a journal shop and beauty (specifically haircare). Esther Adebayo runs her Ready to Wear brand in addition to her 9-5 job.
They talked about doing things differently, asking for help, and discovering your value so you’re not undercharged.
After these sessions, we wrote a letter on the ready-made cards given to us and exchanged them with others.
There was also another giveaway sponsored by Temi Adebayo Co and the lucky winner won a dress.
Doreen was called forward to give the closing remark and my baby girl burst into tears halfway. It was heartfelt as she mentioned how the idea came to her and how God supplied all that was needed and even more to make it a success!
I was just there smiling because God answered my prayer in a way that was far better than what I could conceive.
After her speech, we took pictures and cut the cake. Oh, that red velvet was so yummy! I had to dedicate a sentence to its flavor- lol!
We were done by past 6 pm and while we ordered our rides, I snuck in some time for pictures.

Created to Create is one content creator meet I hope happens again because every creator and business owner needs community. Nothing beats one with the same values you have and people who encourage you to dream big!
If you’re in Nigeria and looking for a good community of content creators, check TPC so you can be updated about future events and opportunities.
I’m curious to see your answers on the two truths and a lie in the comments! See you there.